Online Courses & Private Coaching
How to Strategically Craft a Compelling Application for Graduate School
Applying to graduate school for psychotherapy is not like applying to other graduate programs!! Unlike law school or med school, master’s programs for psychotherapy are not just looking for the most accomplished, most decorated students. Instead, graduate programs for MFT, counseling, and social work are assessing potential students for a nuanced balance of preparation, life experiences, and “fit”—perhaps the most difficult quality to assess of all!
In over 90 minutes of video lectures through 6 modules, I’ll share my approach to applying to graduate school that I share with almost every single one of my private coaching clients. We’ll discuss:
what these grad programs are really looking for in candidates,
how you’re being evaluated as a candidate,
how to craft an “applicant narrative” to proactively address your weaknesses,
what you should (and shouldn’t) write about in your essay or personal statement,
and how to structure your essay for maximum impact!
For a limited time, use code BACKTOSCHOOL to take $50 off!
Need personalized support?
I’ve been privately coaching clients for almost five years, and the one thing that’s consistent is that everyone is different! Private coaching gives us the option to focus on more personal things or answer specific questions. Sessions are booked by the hour and take place via phone or Zoom. Here are some things I can help with:
We can talk about what programs might be a good fit based on your personal situation and preferences for a graduate school experience.
I can help you determine your priorities when selecting a program, like whether you should choose a more expensive option for the “brand name,” or whether location matters more than accreditation, etc.
A lot of people struggle with how much to share of personal struggles with mental health, how personal therapy experiences have impacted their decision to go to grad school, and when to NOT share. I can help sort through your experiences and determine how to talk about them (or not) strategically.
If you feel pretty confident about your actual writing skills, but you’re confused about what to actually write about, we can have a conversation that will get you ready to write!
Have something else in mind and you want to know if a coaching call is the right move? Send me a message below and I’ll let you know whether it’s something I can help with!
Please note: I do not offer refunds on my coaching calls. If you need to reschedule, I am happy to accommodate according to my availability if you notify me at least 24 hours prior to our scheduled meeting. If you cancel within 24 hours of our scheduled call, I will not issue a refund as that is too short of notice to fill that spot.

Need help with your essay or personal statement?
While I will not under any circumstances write your essay for you, I do offer essay proofreading and editing services. Because of the time-consuming nature of proofreading and editing, they are the most expensive services I offer. If you need writing guidance but these services are not affordable, I recommend you check out my application course, which goes in-depth on my strategy for writing essays and personal statements.
Please note:
I do not offer refunds on my services. If you are hesitant about whether this is the right purchase for you, please contact me and I will let you know if I think it’s a good fit.
I will read for (and make suggestions on) style, tone, grammar, flow, and voice. I recommend this if you’re pretty confident with the content of what you’ve written, but you’d like a final polish. I will not advise you on the content of what you’ve written. If you’ve taken my Application Strategy course or if we’ve done a coaching call to brainstorm about your essay, this service will probably suffice.
Editing is a comprehensive evaluation of your essay, taking into account your “applicant narrative.” As such, it requires a review of your entire application, analysis of the program to which you’re applying, and a strategic evaluation of the content in your essay or personal statement. It also includes Proofreading once the essay content is set. This process includes two back-and-forth revisions and a final proofread and takes 3-5 days. More revisions and faster turnaround can be requested for an additional fee.
Here’s what my clients are saying:
Before working with Carrie, I was overwhelmed. It was a lot of information to process, even with the helpful catalog of programs and felt I needed an insider's perspective to assuage any doubts or unknowns about making the next steps. Having an individual session was money well spent. It was beyond valuable that Carrie led the conversation towards the questions and insights I was truly needing to have addressed, unlike sitting through a webinar where they may or may not be able to get to your question or address it to the specifics you hoped. Then, I was able to ask the pressing questions to the interested programs that I didn't think to ask prior to working with Carrie. This easily aided in weeding out a myriad of choices that I was set on applying to.
~ Joanna
Before I spoke with Carrie, I didn't understand the alphabet soup of the credentialing world and was pulling my hair out! After working with Carrie, I was able to find a credentialed school that was appropriate for my level of need. My anxiety reduced dramatically after learning about the ins/outs of psych grad school. Anyone that is experiencing the feeling of being overwhelmed by the multitude of choices in the education field could benefit from a call with Carrie.
~ Jeff Watson
Before working with Carrie I found the search process overwhelming and frustrating. There are so many programs out there, all with impressive recruitment materials and assertive sales teams. Carrie is very knowledgable and easy to work with. She understands the processes involved in getting oneself on a clear path to a clear goal and is exceptional in her ability to help one figure out those goals and work toward them. It is like being an 11th grader and having a big sister who is already in college who can walk you through the admissions process she has already gone through. She is caring and considerate and was an absolute pleasure to work with; so much so that I am grateful to be able to write this to let her know how appreciated she is.
~ Neil Monaco
I began my research of psychotherapy about 1 month before working with Carrie. I was unclear about the practical differences between different disciplines of therapists, and I was unsure which school I should choose to attend. Carrie helped me understand what each school uniquely offered, how to choose which kind of therapist I wanted to be, as well as some of the issues facing current MFTs. I was able to identify which schools were suitable for me. I successfully received admission to two of my favorite 3 schools. I believe career-changer and current MFT students could benefit a lot from Carrie's services. She is a down-to-earth counselor who gives the hard truths, and she is an easy person to talk to. It felt like talking to a close friend without any judgment.
~ Patrick Yao
Don’t let uncertainty or fear stand between you and your career as a psychotherapist.
I can’t predict which program will be perfect for you. I can listen to what your situation is, discuss your preferences and priorities, and offer my suggestions of programs to check out a little closer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of programs out there, this can be helpful. It can also be helpful if you’re considering a very competitive program but are unsure about your admission chances. Again, I can’t see the future, but once I know the details about your particular story, I can honestly share what I think you’re up against when applying to a competitive program.
I don’t publish rankings for a very good reason—when it comes to MFT programs, “best” is highly subjective. I encourage many coaching clients to apply to programs that I personally would never apply to, because they’re looking for a much different experience that I was. What’s “best” for me may well not be best for you! But I like to think that by getting to know you personally a little bit, I can use my insight about MFT programs to help match you up to a program you’ll be excited about.
Sure—have a lot of money, or take out a loan(s)! Apart from that, I cannot give you financial advice on how to manage paying for graduate school. I will tell you that, personally, I took out the maximum allowed federal financial aid loans. I had no options for outside help, and I worked a part-time job to get through school, and it turned out to be a good decision for me so far. Check in 30 years from now to see if I still feel the same way…
In my course, How to Strategically Craft a Compelling Application for Graduate School, I share everything I tell my private coaching clients about my approach to applications and especially essay writing. I sincerely think it’s enough for most people to get a really good idea for how to strategically apply to graduate school. But I’ve worked with enough students to know that it’s easy to get bogged down in your personal story and feel very uncertain about what the best strategy for YOU is. If that’s how you feel, then private coaching or my editing service might be a better fit.
If you enroll in the application course but still feel like you could use help directly from me on your application, I offer two discounts: $50 off one hour-long coaching call or $100 off Editing or Proofreading services.
Admissions committees evaluate writing samples like essays and personal statements for both content and writing style. If you’re not confident about what you’ve written, Editing is the service for you. I evaluate your entire application package in light of the program to which you’re applying and strategically determine what I think is best to include in your essay. If you are confident about the content of your writing but want it to meet graduate academic standards, Proofreading should do the trick. I won’t look at the rest of your application, but I will offer suggestions on how to improve the writing itself.