Fresno Pacific University
M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy
Campus-Based and Online Options
Fresno Pacific University (main campus)
1717 S. Chestnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93702
Program details below are quoted from program websites, supplied here for informational purposes only, and subject to change at any time. Refer to the program website for current information, deadlines, complete admission requirements, etc. It is the responsibility of the prospective student to verify with program administrators program details and that the program still meets BBS requirements for licensure in the state of California.
Program Snapshot
Concentrations/Specializations Offered
Consider studying in Israel during summer or attend Hispanic Summer Program
LMFT Track or Dual LMFT/LPCC Track
LMFT only
Length of Program
3 years full time and 4 years part time.
Classes are in-person and in the evening. Each class meets once a week. Class time slots are 2-5pm or 6-9pm. I imagine depending on your class load you would come to class 2-3 days per week.
Program Start
We have both Fall (August) and Spring starts (January). The program plan for spring start adds ½ year to the program because of the way we do practicum. If you choose Spring start you will do a 2 ½ or 3 ½ year plan.
Estimated Total Program Tuition
Religious Orientation
The curriculum facilitates the integration of Christian theology, psychological theory, character formation, and professional practice. Requires a commitment to and desire for Christian ministry and Service.
Entering Class Size and Classroom Sizes
It depends on how many students apply and how many are accepted. Usually, 10-15 students are admitted each semester. Class sizes are small (10-25 students).
Fieldwork Hours Accrued During Program
300 hours minimum that go towards the 3000 you need to get licensed. FPU partners with sites. We have a list of pre-approved sites. You will choose which ones to apply to and then set up an interview with them.
Personal Psychotherapy Requirement During Program
We strongly encourage students to have their own therapist during their final year in practicum. We have an assistance fund to give practicum students money towards their personal therapy.
Comprehensive Exam/Culminating Project/Thesis/Etc:
There is an advanced family paper (thesis) that is one semester long. It is a 3 unit class where you complete a 25-30pg paper on a topic of your choice.
Application Process
Application Deadline
Undergraduate GPA Required
Minimum 3.0 GPA. In some circumstances, we are willing to waive the GPA requirement if the student demonstrates high maturity and/or life experience that demonstrates they can perform well in the program. We take into account their ministry experience for BIB/MIN programs, their GRE score, volunteer counseling hours experience and psych pre-requisites for the MFT degree. We encourage people with a low GPA to still apply so we can look over their materials.
GRE Requirement
GRE is required, but there is no minimum score required.
Prerequisite Courses
Commitment to and desire for Christian ministry and Service
Three prerequisite courses:
Intro to Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Human Development
One of the requirements for being accepted in the MFT program is completion of at least 50 hours of face-to-face counseling work with regular supervision provided by a qualified supervisor. Volunteer experience is acceptable; professional experience is not required. A list of approved volunteer sites is available upon request. If you have previously completed 50 hours of supervised counseling, please complete this form giving a brief history of your experience(s).
Not all supervised counseling experiences are considered adequate for acceptance into the MFT program. Experiences may or may not meet FPBS standards for acceptance. Your information will be evaluated by the MFT faculty. Following evaluations, you will be notified of acceptance of your hours or any hours you need to remediate.
The Bible Knowledge Requirement (BKR) is a one-day, no credit class with an examination at the end of the day. The BKR is required to be met during the first month of your first term.
Application Highlights
Personal Profile Questions and Statement
Please prepare a typed personal profile sketch on a separate sheet and include it with this application. Use up to two pages if necessary. Please answer the following:
Describe your faith experiences.
State your reasons for attending Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, including vocational goals.
Describe your present church membership, church involvement, ministry experience, and comment on what convictions, incidents, people, or other influences led you to apply seminary.
In what ways do you hope to grow and develop through your program of study at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary?
Comment on any authors or books that you have read which have shaped your understanding of Christian ministry.
Provide a brief description of your philosophy of Christian ministry and how it relates to God’s mission in the 21st century.
MFT Short Answer Questions
How is your desire to be admitted to a program in Marriage and Family Therapy related to your present or previous careers? What influences your current desire for a career in this field?
Please provide a chronological description of your life. Include your growing up years, school experiences, family life, negative and positive experiences, marital life (if applicable), friendships and whatever else you wish to include.
Briefly describe your understanding of what integration between psychology and theology looks like for you at this time.
Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere (No Contest) to any misdemeanor or felony?
If you circled “YES”, please provide dates and outcomes of hearing and trials.
From what traumatic events, such as violence, chemical dependence, divorce or depression have you, your spouse, your child or your parents suffered? Did you engage in any medical or pastoral treatment to resolve or cope with these problems? If so, please describe the nature of the treatment and your evaluation of its effectiveness.
I understand this question is option and I will therefore:
Answer this question
Not answer this question in writing. I will respond to it verbally during my interview with the MFT department.
Choose not to answer this question.
Describe any personal psychotherapy experiences, in-patient treatment for psychiatric or addictive disorders, personal/marital therapy, etc. provide date, length, type and mode of treatment. Briefly describe the results.
I understand this question is option and I will therefore:
Answer this question
Not answer this question in writing. I will respond to it verbally during my interview with the MFT department.
Choose not to answer this question.
What medications are you currently taking? Do you take any anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications regularly or periodically? Please list names of all medications and dosage required per day.
I understand this question is option and I will therefore:
Answer this question
Not answer this question in writing. I will respond to it verbally during my interview with the MFT department.
Choose not to answer this question.
Three references from a pastor or other ministry leader, a current or former employer, and a friend or family member using the Seminary Reference Form
Please do not use a family member as the pastoral or employer reference
Writing sample from your undergraduate education
This can be any paper submitted for a letter grade regardless of subject
Interview Requirement
Program Summary
The practice of marriage and family therapy requires knowledge, skill, and insight.
At Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, you’ll be prepared with the content required for the California Marriage and Family Therapy licensure exams and you’ll engage in personal formation to become a truly skillful clinician.
Courses – ranging from clinical assessment and human development to cross-cultural counseling and discipleship – integrate theology, theory, personal formation and professional practice. Learn from published faculty with decades of experience in clinical practice and supervision.
Through the study of psychology, you’ll be equipped to aid in the healing process of those who have experienced hurt, pain and hardship in life.
Program Highlights
Gain new perspectives as MFT and ministry students study together in foundational courses
Consider studying in Israel during summer or attend Hispanic Summer Program
Engage in diverse practicum opportunities
Take online courses available
Fully accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
Gain preparation for California’s Licensed Clinical Exam and Law & Ethics exam – FPU Biblical Seminary MFT students passed at a rate of 71% and 100%, respectively.