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LMFT vs. LCSW vs. LPCC vs. LEP (and PPS): The Alphabet Soup of Mental Health Professions in California
Sorting through the career options in mental health services can be confusing. Learn about the different licenses and browse through our suggested additional resources to figure out what's right for you!

How can I tell if an MFT program is any good??
Since there's no "Ivy League" for MFT programs, how can you tell how "good" a program is relative to other programs? What's the "best" MFT program in the state? The answers to these questions have a lot to do with the questions themselves...

COAMFTE vs. CACREP vs. WASC - What is Accreditation?
Accreditation—it’s a massively confusing topic and most people are unsure if it’s really important or not. In this guest blog, Carrie Wiita explains the difference between COAMFTE, CACREP, and WASC accreditation, whether accreditation for MFT programs is important, and whether you should attend a COAMFTE-accredited MFT program in California.